Thursday, March 6, 2008

NYB = Asshole

Sorry about nothing new coming out recently, apparently so and so's boss wants so and so to focus on getting to work on time and actually doing work rather than sitting in so and so's cube giggling as so and so writes 2000 word essays about retarded babies. Never fear though, there will be a post soon, possibly tonight provided I don't get too drunk at happy hour, come home and start beating off in the mirror, which is a series of events I fondly refer to as a "Typical Weeknight." Anyways, I'm debating on whether I should release my boss's email address so fans can tell him to loosen up and make him realize that sure, losing the company about $30K last week was his fault, but its not like its his boss's money! I mean come on he still gets paid. Anyways, let me know if you guys think this is a good idea and I swear a new article will come soon and it will be worth the wait.


Anonymous said...

NYB, I dream at night of our sweet lovemaking sessions. Is there any chance we can rekindle the flame this weekend?

Ned's Younger Brother said...

For the record - Ned's Younger Brother doesn't do romance. You knew what this was...

Unfortunately, in all likelihood it appears that Ned's Younger Brother contacted some sort of mutated strand of VD from dancing with the self proclaimed Queen of Anal Sex herself last night. Will I get tested? Seeing as how Telly from the movie KIDS is a personal hero of mine (shocker) I would say the likelihood of that is slim to none.