Little Giants
To the best of my knowledge this movie was based on a true story. Remember what happened the first time the Giants played the Cowboys? Thats right they got it handed to them just like the Redskins, the Giants didn't even have uniforms and their best player was some dyke girl named "Icebox." Meanwhile the Cowboys are filled with kids who were probably all on HGH and all resembled Hitler's perception of the perfect child. Well you know what ended up happening? The Giants got that hottie to play QB for them, the dyke chose to be straight and Rad Tad got rabies. All these things culminating in the Giants winning that shit on that illegal play. Oh and on a side note, how the hell are we meant to believe that Al Bundy and Rick Moranis are brothers? The only explanation I can think of is that they both have the same mother, yet one night she got really drunk and ended up getting knocked up by the Dunkin Donuts guy and had Rick Moranis 9 months later.
Cool Runnings
Probably best known for their tribute to Notorious B.I.G. by the entire team singing "Big Poppa" and waving their hands in the air roughly 50 times during the movie, Hardball is what I like to call, what would happen if Mighty Ducks took place in the Hood. This movie follows the lead of the previous two by initially having our protagonists, the "Kecumbas" being just awful at baseball, which is in itself a total shocker that this team full of black kids from the inner city is actually playing baseball. Pretty realistic, I'm sure they wouldn't rather play sports they actually are good at like basketball, dice, or impregnating women out of wedlock. Anyways, Keaunu Reeves plays some drunk compulsive gambler who is up to his ears in bad luck and is eventually forced to coach this group of kids as punishment for his debts. What the fuck kind of bookie punishes the bettor by making him coach kids? If this happend in real life Keanu would be fucking dead. Oh, and why did the Kecumbas need a drunk compulsive gambler as their coach, couldn't they just get one of the kids' dads to coach the team...oh wait, nevermind. The Kecumbas first play their rivals and just get smoked, probably because the other team is rich and actually has uniforms, they probably even have dads too. As time goes by, Keanu hits a hot streak gambling so of course he buys the kids uniforms which suddenly makes them amazing baseball players and they go on a tear on the field winning everything and eventually making it to the championship game where they play their archrivals. Sadly, we have to hear the tale of their glory in the eulogy Reeves gives for the 8 year old kid who was on the team and got the game winning still brings tears to my eyes when I think of Reeves talking about how little G-Baby lifted his arms in the air as if he was "lifting the weight of the world." Anyway, I didn't feel sorry for that kid, if he didnt want to get shot in gang related violence then he shouldn't have chosen to live in the Chicago projects. I mean seriously, you really think you're safe living there? Bite the bullet and pay the extra money to live in the suburbs already! The moral of this story is that the Kecumbas turned things around and ended up winning it all, and so will the Redskins.
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