Just three of the thoughts running through every reader's mind everytime they read a new posting on Ned's Younger Brother. I really can't believe it and it really shouldn't be tolerated. Why have I not addressed one of the greatest sitcoms of our time: Full House. Well I will tell you why, because Full House deserves more than some shitty blurb about how DJ's boyfriend Steve was a homo, but that shit would be too easy. Characters like these in the clusterfuck of a house deserve special attention. And perhaps the most deserving of attention is the one, the only, the Jesse Katsopolis. Uncle Jesse as he is best known to the public was notorious for having gay producers who obviously wanted to bang him - why else would the canned "screaming girls" button be pushed everytime he entered the room. Any way, Uncle Jesse was always portrayed as the really cool uncle who lived by no ones rules by his own. Motherfucker even owned a motorcycle at one point, can you believe that shit?? You probably though he was fucking awesome when you were younger too, didn't you? Tell the truth, after your first kiss you yelled "HAVE MERCY" did you....flamer. Anyways, the truth is that Uncle Jesse was not that cool, in fact he was a fucking loser. Before you fucking Jesse and the Rippers fans start going ape shit, wait until you've read the top 5 reasons why Uncle Jesse is a loser.
5. The Jesse Mullet
Remember that shit from the early years? When Uncle Jesse first moved into the house with Danny and the girls after Danny's wife, Jesse's sister, died. Uncle Jesse came in sporting a leather jacket and a nice mullet. There was business in the front, but there was a full on party in the back. And don't tell me that just because Uncle Joey had one too that its no big deal, because it is. Just because he eventually got a haircut then its ok, its not! Once a mulletman, always a fucking mulletman in my book.
4. Jesse is a quitter
3. Jesse's kids are faggots
Little Alex and Nikki, what flamers, I mean seriously they live in a house with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen and yet they are more intent on watching cartoons than running game?? What losers, I mean seriously, yeah so what they are cousins, but who gives a fuck, I was told by a very reliable source that inter-cousin breeding doesn't do any real damages, so seriously what are they waiting for?? And remember how fucking annoying they were, like the episode where they wouldn't play with any of the other kids in their play group? I think that they were gay for each other, seriously. I guess thats what happens when you sleep in the same room that your parents bang in.
2. Jesse "the provider" lived with his wife and kids in the Tanner house
1. Jesse and the Ripper's "hit" was crap
If every word I said
Could make you laugh
I'd talk forever
I asked the sky just what we had
It showed forever(together my love)
If the song I sing to you
Could fill your heart with joy
I'd sing forever(together my love)
Forever, forever
I've been so happy loving you
Thats pretty much the whole song, pretty fucking amazing isn't it? If thats all that it takes to make it big in the business than why aren't there more 7th grade poetry contest winners sippin' on Cristal in the club right now. Seriously, that shit is sad, I bet you are one of those people who loved that shit, fuck you are probably looking it up on iTunes right now, fucking loser.
"forever" is actually a song by the beach boys...soooo 7th grade poetry contest winners, not so much. plus, the beach boys appeared in the music video (i think).
true. or when jessica simpson covered...anything. but, john stamos was actually invited to sing the lead vocals on the beach boys album that contained "forever"
wasn't he in the video for "kokomo"? if the beach boys gave uncle jesse their blessing, i don't know man...
I don't understand how Jesse doesn't get any props for banging Becky, I mean did you see on her Summerland, she's fucking gorgeous.
Interesting point, and I do agree with you, Becky was quite the minx. However, you have to step back and wonder, how did she get to where she was at such a young age? Coming from Nebraska it is doubtful that she had any connections which would lead her to such a huge position as cohost of the widely acclaimed "Wake Up San Francisco." Yet in her late 20's, being most likely extremely inexperienced, Becky got the break of a lifetime.
Whats the only explanation for this? Thats right, she slept her way to the top. I wouldn't be suprised if she even slept with Danny Tanner on the way up. So that is why Jesse doesn't get the props, because hes tapping tainted goods.
Who needs to download it on itunes when you have wonderful youtube users like ChimpWillJizzOnYou posting the music video for you?!?!
You can write an entire blog entry on this video alone but here are my observations
1. Why does Uncle Jesse open the video waking up on a bed outdoors in what appears to be Mexico?
2. 28 second mark: those kids are ugly
3. 38 second mark: guy on the bongos sure doesnt look like he's in the beach boys
4. 42 second mark: feet fight?
5. 1 min 11: At least do a better job at fake playing that guitar retard
6. 1 min 44: his own ugly kid obviously hates him
7. 1 min 58: no words can describe what is going on here
8. 2 min 5: Chris Hanson from To Catch a Predator needs to be nearby
Thank you youngest brother for that.
What the hell is going on at 1 minute 58 seconds?? Why is Uncle Jesse using a 1950's style camera to film the bongo drummer dancing? Does this have anything to do with the song, the kids, or the Beach Boys? Did they really run out of ideas for filler in the music video and this was the best they came up with? Wow.
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