No, I know what you are thinking and I am not referring to the number of times my boss has had to sit me down to tell me I'm on thin ice because my personal hygiene is less than stellar and that I'm dead weight to the company. This is referring to the number of times that Jason
Campbell has blown it for the Redskins when they were driving for the game winning score in their past two games with crushing interceptions. It really is sad because as well as he has played this season his choking is giving his reputation a bigger black eye than the star of a Lifetime original movie. Jason Campbell is quickly earning the moniker of a "choke artist." People will quickly come to his defense and plead that he is still very young and still developing, pointing out that he has made some pretty incredible throws this season and will get through these growing pains. However, I'm not buying this shit. You know who wouldn't be making these types of rookie mistakes? Thats right, Mark fucking Brunell, thats who. Not only is Brunell a proven Pro Bowl quarterback, hes also a record setter. People forget that shit, but he had the record for consecutive completions for like 4 weeks last year until David Carr broke it. I don't think I need to remind you that David Carr was selected with the first overall pick in the 2002 draft so you know just how prestigious of a record it is.
Why else should Brunell be starting? Oh I don't know maybe a little something called "chemistry" with the wide receivers. Brunell and newfound stud Keenan McCardell hooked up for years in Jacksonville even going 14-2 back in 1999, and I dont think I have to remind people about how dirty Brunell and Santana Moss used to get back in the glory days here in
Washington when we beat the shit out of everyone and their fucking mothers en route to losing in the second round of the playoffs to the Seahawks. Another great thing about Mark Brunell is the fact that players can actually understand him in the huddle. Apparently Jason Campbell has such a Southern drawl that players on his own team don't even know what fucking play to run. Might as well have Air Bud: Golden Receiver out there running the plays because I bet he even speaks clearer English than Campbell! And don't even think of changing the language in the huddle to Ebonics, because that would mean Chris Cooley wouldn't know what play was being run and that would just be shitty.
So, what has Jason Campbell really accomplished? He has zero pro bowl appearances. He has never set any amazing records for consecutive pass completions. He has never led the Redskins to the playoffs. He has never thrown two bomb touchdown passes to Santana Moss to beat the Cowboys in Dallas on Monday Night football. He probably fights dogs. He probably hates Jesus. He has a pretty sweet mustache, but that doesn't make up for the fact that hes a fucking choke artist. He's up there with some of the greats of all time too. Let's take a look at his competition:
Ray Finkel
Team Iceland in D2: The Mighty Ducks
You forgot the most important reason why Mark Brunell should be the QB - because he is white. Obviously the greats of all-time all (Unitias, Bradshaw, Farve, Montana, Manning, Brady and of course Tony Romo) share one common characteristic - their pure white skin.
Well, to be brutally of the scientist that actually invented DNA would probably agree with you:
I hate to correct your glorious praise of Mark Brunell, but he does still hold the record for consecutive completions in a game. It was matched by Carr later that season. Also, I believe he holds the record for most consecutive completions to start a game by himself.
A correction from beyond the grave!!!! Muhuhaha!!!
But seriously, RIP Sean Taylor, the most valuable Redskin of the past 15 years.
PS... I can't wait to see how you comingle my tragic death with episodes of Saved by the Bell or Family Matters.
Seriously Meggo, everyone knows it's you posting under anonymous. We all know you're one racist broad but can you give it a rest here please? I come to this blog to read objective commentary on redskins opponents and mid-90s sitcoms, with a few history lessons judiciously mixed in, and you have to ruin the whole experience for me with you unadulterated white-supremacist propoganda. You make me sick.
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